Export Contacts

to export list of contacts

Export a list of contacts to different projects within the platform or to other apps if you need to view contacts outside of CRM.io.

Export Contacts

Export a List of Your Contacts Along With Their Property Values

Streamline your workflow with seamless contact export from your CRM

export contacts leave note
export within crm

Export Within CRM

Choose from the list of contacts to multiple projects based on requirement within CRM.io.

export to other apps

Export to Other Apps

Export contact list to other apps such as OutReachly and start nurturing them through email campaigns to move them down your sales funnel.

bulk export

Bulk Export

Select from the list of contacts or export them in bulk to multiple projects or other apps.

What is Export Contacts ?

Exporting contacts provides the ability to extract contacts in bulk contained in the application to another app or within the project.

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